1. play in tune in one position

  2. shift between positions reliably

  3. get a consistent, beautiful sound across strings and positions (no squeaking, no crunching, no sounding fluffy)

If you can do these three things you have the most essential foundational skills in order and you can build out from them. These are the most important skills. MASTER THEM.

A more comprehensive list of skills you should master:

Tuning your viola

Starting from silence


Placing your first finger in tune in first position, exactly the same pitch over and over

Playing in tune in first position

Shifting reliably

Vibrato consistency

Vibrato varieties

Releasing physical tension while you play

Embodying the energy of the music with your physical preparation

Getting a consistent sound across all strings, open strings, string crossings, in all registers

Playing at any bow speed consistently

Playing at many bow speeds on one bow

Drawing a fast bow without altering the sound or volume (no swells)

Changing the bow without a kick, tip or frog

Playing many left hand fingers with a fliesender right hand (actual legato!)

Changing the tracking point

Changing the hair angle

Changing the stick angle


Backwards bowings

Irregular bowings (3+1) that sound simple and regular

Strokes which sound off the string from the string: Spiccato and Sautillé

Switching between articulations seamlessly

Subdividing, then switching between subdivision sizes seamlessly and immediately

Managing relative weightiness of notes, gestures to create musical mile markers for your audience

Playing with a metronome

Having a musical sense of pulse when you graduate from the metronome (and knowing when to do it)

Reading music at the right speed

Adding and removing information to your music for the quickest mastery of new music

Listening accurately in real time

Identifying the actual problem and applying the correct remedy, immediately

Overcoming frustration

Extending your concentration time

Increasing your efficiency in practicing

Finding the right tempo and character for each piece before you start to play

Maintaining your instrument appropriately, knowing when it needs an unscheduled visit to the viola doctor/rehairer.