SNACKS: bits for your consideration

 “You know, it’s funny. Equality doesn’t really work in music.” -Heidi Castleman

“The place you feel the safest is actually the most dangerous, and the place you feel most vulnerable is the safest” -Heidi Castleman

“Sound spontaneous as a result of meticulous preparation.” -Robert Vernon

Learning is radical.

My colleague Cathy Basrak suggests to her students that they study a piece of music, put in all their markings, master it, and then set that music aside, look at a clean copy and SING what they want it to sound like. Integrating the ideas you’ve developed with the technical plan is about clarifying for your brain and ear what you intend to play. Make sure all your labors are leading you to the music you want to hear come out of your instrument.


Principles of Violin Playing and Technique, by Ivan Galamian

Grit, by Angela Duckworth

Daily Rituals: How Artists Work, edited by Mason Currey